Tuesday 8 November 2011

Going South to Bariloche

23-26 October

+ We took a night bus to go from Mendoza to Bariloche, a town at the Lake District of Argentina. Upon arrival we searched for a hostel we read about. The hostel was on the 10th floor of a building, was like a giant flat and had gorgeous views on the lake and the mountains. At the time we were there, the whole region was suffering from ashes falling down that were expulsed by a volcano in Chile. This volcano was apparantly fuming since 6 months, so the locals were pretty annoyed. We could see the ashes everywhere on the ground, sometimes big piles of half a meter and it looked like snow. We were lucky and had 2 beautiful days with sunshine and good visibility before we had a dizzy day with new clouds of ashes over Bariloche. 

Waking up in the bus with a beautiful sunrise

 Views from the flat


The town and its European style buildings 

+ The first day we were trekking in the sourroundings and climbed some beautiful mountains. The second day, we rented bikes and did a tour of 35km up & down in the beautiful countryside. It was quite hard, but really nice! We also went to a tiny Swiss settlement during the bike trip. When coming from Switzerland to Argentina, one would think you would settle down in warmer areas, different from Switzerland, but no: the settlement was located between mountains topped with snow, with green pastures around; it looked like Switzerland. At the end of this sportive day, we climbed 1000m to another viewpoint., just to make sure our muscles were really dead at the end of the day. When we were up there, we were the only ones, except for 2 dogs that accompanied us the whole way and the views were getting blury as the new ashes were about to arrive. So, we didn't really see what we were supposed to see (as on the postcards we saw in shops). But it was definitly a good exersice! :) The third day, we just spent in the flat, playing chess, doing some boring stuff on the compi, preparing nice food and looking at the ashes coming down on Bariloche.    

Walk in the forest 

The bike ride

It looks like a beach but it is the ashes from the volcano 

Sunset at Cerro Campanario with new ash clouds

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