Wednesday 7 December 2011

Ilha Grande: Paradise when sunshine

30 November-3 December 

+ Ilha Grande is one of the biggest islands between Paraty and Rio and it is real paradise, when it is sunshine. With no road and no traffic, the only way to move from place to place, well, from beach to beach, is by  boat or walking through the jungle. Other than beaches, eating and drinking, there is nothing else to do on the island, isn't it perfect? ;)

 + We stayed in very nice hostel in front of the beach in one of the best spots of the island. Our first day was really nice. We went to the gourgeous and largest beach on the island, called Lopez Mendes. But that same day started raining in the evening and it would not stop to be cloudy until we left the island. Such a pitty... :-( In any case, we ate lovely grilled fish, pizza at pizzeria Marbella and we would spend the night with other fellow travelers playing guitar and singing MBP (musica popular brasileira)...

A sunny day on the island


A cloudy day

Another cloudy day 



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