+ Potosi is the third highest city in the world (ref. Wikipedia) with an elevation of 4068m. It was one of the most important cities for the Spanish conquerers due to the high number of gold and silver mines in the region. During the explotation of these mines, more than 6 million people died due to the extreme conditions of work, with continuous explotions, lack of oxigen, drinks and food and continuos exposure to mercury. Today it is still possible to visit these mines which are still active but we didn't do it because it is quite hard and dangerous.
+ Being at more than 4000m above the sea level, you may imaging the cold, right? That's why we took the bold decision of not staying overnight. We just spent the afternoon and then cought another night bus southwards, to Tupiza. We walked around the town, made some shopping and we even went to the cinema to watch the cool movie of "Hangover 2: in Bangkok".
+ The city is very cute, old, full of churches and many stone buidlings. In a way, it looks like Toledo. You could see that it used to be a very rich city.
+ You may have noticed that in each picture there are electricity cables around. Well, that's how it is. It is almost impossible to make a photo of a building without catching a cable, really. It is very normal in all developing countries we visited but Bolivia gets the prize!
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