Monday 26 September 2011

Welcome to the Pacific!! viva the great waves and the great surfers

21-28 August

+ After a large dose of volcanos, lakes, hikings and colonial cities, it was a good time to visit the see; this time the pacific ocean which we did not visit in Mexico (and would had really liked to do).
+ The pacific ocean was nicer than expected. Warm water, a bit of palms and great waves for the professional surfers :)
+ We stayed at a Hostel in San Juan del Sur were we met a lot of cool people from everywhere. We also met the israeli friends we had been with before in Guatemala and Honduras; they were staying at the same hostel: What a coincidence!!Actually, how it happened is the following: When arriving on sunday morning to check in, we see one of this guys (Ben) lost in traslation with one of the hostal staff trying to get some water for his gigantic hangover!! actually, we had to give him the money because he didn´t have.  

+ We were there for one week going everyday to different beaches and enjoying the cool evenings at the sea side. It was really hard to leave such a nice place.

The Town and our favorite place to eat: Cheap and greasy tacos and burritos

The beaches and the... Professionals

The good parties with friends, the unbeatable happy hour (basically free drinks during 3hours) and the killing "ring of fire" card game

+ During the last days of our days in San Juan, there was a Surf competition. We got good pics but they didn´t allow us to surf :( 

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