Friday 16 September 2011

Horse festival and cloud forest in Granada, Nicaragua

15 August

+ It was hard for us to leave Leon because that same day there was some kind of town party. However, it was the best choice because it turned out that in Granada there was also a party, but much much bigger!! There was some kind of 'feria', of those from Andalucia. The theme were two: horses and beer. You can imagine the combination of both... a bit chaotic...

+ Granada is another colonial city like Leon but much bigger. Plenty of churches, pedestrian streets and nice colorful houses. Not much else to say.
+ We also visited Masaya, close to Granada. This town holds a very big market with plenty of handcraft from all over Nicaragua. Their speciality are hammocks and we bought one...

+ From Granada we also climbed a volcano, called Mombacho, which is in a natural park. The volcano is 1300 m and still active, although its last eruption was in the 16th century. The trekking went through the cloud forest part of the volcano and we had an excellent local guide just for the two of us who knew all the plants, trees, insects... he gave us a true biology lesson. Apperently one has amazing views from up the volcano on the Nicaragua lake (largest lake in Central America), but we were not that lucky with the weather, as it was so cloudy & rainy that in parts we couldn´t even see 100 m far... However, we still got a glance of the lake.

The lake Nicaragua

Dani was actually "camouflaged" for the jungle, so you almost can't see him

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